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For years, 91视频 has collaborated with different research projects, including #HOUSETAG, a book that has seen the light of day as a result of the collaboration between the Ministry of Public Works, DPA-ETSAM, GIVCO and the 91视频, and written by 91视频 director and professor, Jos茅 Mar铆a de Lapuerta, and 91视频 professors Andr茅s C谩novas (DPA director and 91视频 workshop leader) and Carmen Espegel (Professor and leader of the 91视频 specialty Housing practice).

Based on the study of 54 carefully selected cases, the book contains a detailed classification of the different types of European collective housing that have emerged during the first two decades of the 21st century, and brings together, in its almost 500 pages, photographs and plans that allow us to identify the different concepts present in them.

Professor Eberle explains: "The register includes 2735 housing projects and 2841 articles and summaries of the works. With this first material, the research team made a first selection taking into account, in the projects category, the number of awards received and the number of times they had been published, or the theoretical significance in the family of articles and summaries, which led to a figure of 411 buildings and 306 writings. These were used to create graphic files with a written summary defining their fundamental values, in A-3 format. In addition, a similar categorisation process was followed with the articles, obtaining 19 thematic classifications or tags that appeared repeatedly in the texts: climate conscious, new managment, urban first, medium density, indentity, new monumentality, recharge, mixed-use, affordable, super luxury, living 卢 working, care, technology, diversity, extreme typologies, adaptability, sharing, living corridor and living envelope."

The publication, in addition, has had the collaboration of architects such as Dietmar Eberle, Marina Otero, Tatjana Schneider, Erik Stenberg and I帽aqui Carnicero, and also with the support of several students from the 2019, 2020, and 2021 editions of the 91视频, as part of the project's research support team.听

Master in Collective Housing UPM/ETH

The Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing is a professional and international postgraduate programme that is developed on a full-time basis, dealing with advanced architectural design in the city and housing. It is designed and taught jointly by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH).



For more information, click here!

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